Journal Articles

National Journals

 (i)VijayaBatth , Bhagirathi Nayak, SrinivasSubbaraoPasumarti (2016) “Role of Independent Directors in changing business scenario in India” published in International Journal of Scientific Research and Management,IJSRM Publications,Vo1-4, Issue 2, Dec 2016, PP 3878-3882
(ii) VijayaBatth , Bhagirathi Nayak, SrinivasSubbaraoPasumarti (2016)“The Effect Of Independent Directors On Corporate Governance: Using Association Rules of Data Mining Techniques” published in the International Journal on Advanced Engineering, Management and Science, Vol.2, Issue-12, Dec 2016, pp. 1977-1982Infogen Publications (Thomson Reuters)

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2016) “Crowd Funding” published in the Startup Unfold a journal for startups issue-2, Jan 2016 Page – 36-38

S.K.Majhi, S.K. Dhal &P.SrinivasSubbarao (2016) “A Study on Economy and Strategy for Cloud Computing Adoption” published in International Journal of Research and Development A Management Review, Vol.5, Issue 1, Jan 2016 Pp-39-49

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2015) “Startup Funding Know Your Options” published in the Statup Unfold a journal for startups Vol.1, Aug,2015Page 36-38

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2015) “ Gandhian Principles of Management and its Contemporary Relevance” published in the International Journals of Peace &Gandhian Studies titled” Gandhian Vision” Vol.2, Issue-1, Oct-2015, Pp-155-162

SrinuMadem&PSrinivasSubbarao (2014)” Customer awareness about SEBI Investor Protection Act, 1992: A case study among Vizianagaram, Srikakulam and Viskahpatnam Districts” published in the IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668. Volume 16, Issue 9.Ver. IV (Sep. 2014), PP 30-40 

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2013) “ Raison d’être for setting up SME exchange” published in the journal Golden Research Thoughts special edition on “Innovation for Sustainable Growth of Business”  Vo.1, Sep’2013, Pp.71-74  Impact factor 1.2018

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2013) “ Bank credit to infrastructure in India – Issues, Challenges and Strategies” published in the  International Journal of Decision Making in Management, Vol.2, Issue 1, Jan-March2013, Pp 55-62

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2012)&P.Suseela Rani  “Welfare Facilities for better Industrial Relations – an empirical study of Indian Jute Industry in Post Liberalization” published in the Journal of Contemporary Research in Management, Vo.7, No.3, July-Sep, 2012. Pp 41-50, Impact factor 0.5021

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2012) &P.Suseela Rani  “Impact of Liberalization policies on Strikes & lockouts in Indian Jute Industry” published in the Journal Apotheosis – Tirpude’s National Journal of Business Research, Vol.1, Issue 2,  Pp.60-68

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2012) &P.Suseela Rani  “Challenges of Management In Creating Better Work Environment – A Critical Evaluation of Indian Jute Industry in Post Liberalization” published in the journal Prabandhan: Indian Journal of Management. Vol.5, No.10, October 2012 Page No.s 12-20, Impact factor 0.5230.  Indexed in Scopus (Elsevier)

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2012)&P.Suseela Rani  “Employee Perception on Social Security Measures in Jute Industry in Post Liberalization” published in the ITIHAS –The Journal of Indian Management. Vol.2, Issue 4. April-June 2012 Pages:9-18 Impact factor 0.5320

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2012)&Dr.N.A.D Pal, “A Critical Evaluation of the Impact of Globalization on Contract Labour Act in India” published in the ITIHAS, The Journal of Indian Management, Vol.1. Issue.2, October-December 2011, Page 64-69  Impact factor 0.5320

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2011)&P.Suseela Rani “Empowerment of Women Force through BPO Industry – A Critical Evaluation” Published in the Journal of Business Management, Vol.3, No.1, Jan-June2011. Pages 63-72 

P. SrinivasSubbarao (2011)& G. Aparna How Far is the Industry Using the 360-degree Feedback system correctly?  Published in the  journal “Indian Development Review: An International Journal of Development Economics Vol.9 No.1 2011, Pages: 107-113  

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2011)&P.Suseela Rani “Building Blocks to a Successful Public-Private Partnership Published in the “The Management Accountant” journal of The Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India, March 2011, Vol.46 No.3 Page. Nos. 209-213  

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2011)&P.Suseela Rani “Role of CMAs in Insurance Claim Management”  published in The Management Accountant, journal of The Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India Vo.46, No.6, June 2011 issue Page No.s -488-490 

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2011)&P.Suseela Rani  “Women Empowerment Through e-Entrepreneurship – A SWOT Analysis” published in the Indian Journal of Social Development Vol.11, No.1 June 2011 page No.s 367-379 

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2011) &P.Suseela Rani “Application of information Technology in Agriculture – An Indian Experience” published in Global Journal of Business Management Vol.5, No.1, June 2011 Page No.s 58-66

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2011) &K.H.Prasad “Application of Human Resource Score Card in Public Sector Hospitals” published in the International Journal of Business Policy and Economics Vo.-4, No.1 Jan-June 2011 Page.No.71-77

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2009)&P.Suseela Rani “Challenges of Indian Women in BPO Industry” published in the Indian Journal of Human Rights & Justice, Jan-Dec 2009, Vol.5, No.1-2 Page No.s 25-32

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2009),K.SivaramaKiran&P.Suseela Rani   “Financial Inclusion through Housing Finance” published in the Journal of World Intellectual Property Rights, Volume 5 No.1-2 Jan-Dec 2009 page 161-168

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2008) Globalization and its impact on Indian working women published in Indian Journal of Human Rights and Justice, Vol.4 No.1-2 2008 Pp.139-146.

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2008) “Promotion and regulation of International Technology Transfer to India” published in Global Management Review, May 2008, Vol.2, Issue-3 Page. No 08-15

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2007) “Changing Paradigm in Indian Banking” published in “GYAN MANAGEMENT” an International Biannual Refereed Journal of Management & Technology , Jan-June 2007 Vol.1Issue 2 Page Nos.151-160

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2006) “Is Housing finance safe as houses? Published in the “The Management Accountant” journal of The Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India,       June 2006 Vol.41 No.6 Page. Nos. 455-457

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2006) Bank assurance in India: Challenges and strategies” published in the “Insurance chronicle” an ICFAI Press Journal, September 2006 Page Nos. 29-33

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2006) “Corporate Governance in Indian Banks in the era of Globalization” published in the “Professional Banker” an ICFAI Press Journal, October 2006.

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2003) “Is Securitization Ordinance minimizing the NPAs or is improving the profits of PSBs by reducing NPAs published by “The Management Accountant” journal of The Institute of Cost & Works Accountants of India, March 2003.Vol.38 No.3 Pg.No.s.208-210

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2003) Credit to SSI Sector, Economic Times Paper in Times B2B page dt.31-7-2003

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2003) “Catalystic role in entrepreneurial marriages”, published in Economic Times paper in September 2003.

P.SrinivasSubbarao (2001) “Role, Organization & Problems of Small Scale Units in North Coastal AP “Published in “Finance India”, New Delhi. March 2001, Vol.XV No.1 Page. No.207-212

M.Sankar Rao & P. Srinivas SubbaraoA Study 0n Relation Between Customer Satisfaction And Mobile Number Portability (Mnp) of various sample respondents In Vizianagaram Telecom District published in the International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Advanced Research Trends ISSN : 2349-7408 VOLUME IV ISSUE 2(4), DECEMBER, 2017 pp. 34-44

M.Sankar Rao & P. Srinivas Subbarao  Impact of Demographic factors on customer satisfaction – A case study of Vizianagaram telecom district published in the IJOAASE International Journal ISSN:2320-6136(Print) ISSN:2320-6144(Online) Volume 6 , Issue 1, February 2018 Edition

M.Sankar Rao & P. Srinivas Subbarao  Sway of Correlation Between Competitive Analysis and Customer Satisfaction – A Case Study of Vizianagaram Telecom District published in the International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) Volume 6, Issue 1 March 2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882

M.Sankar Rao & P. Srinivas Subbarao  A study on relation between customer satisfaction and Mobile Number Portability(MNP) of various sample respondents in Vizianagaram telecom district published in International Journal of Multidisciplinary Advanced Research Trends, Volume IV Issue2(4), December,2017