- Ten PhDs awarded & 2 have been submitted (Under evaluation at Sri Sri University) from Acharya Nagarjuna University, Rayalaseema University, Sri Sri University, and Dr Vishwanath MIT World Peace University.
- Currently, 3 scholars are pursuing research (PhD) in Entrepreneurship, ESG, and HRM.
- He is an Approved guide for the PhD students at Andhra University, Acharya Nagarjuna University, JNTU-Kakinada, Rayalaseema University, Vignan University, Sri Sri University, and Dr Vishwanath Karad MIT World Peace University.
- Awarded one MPhil from Alagappa University.
- So far, he has mentored more than50 startups
- He guided 185 MBA projects in different universities
- Member, All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi
- Member, AIMS International, USA
- Member, Association for Asian Studies, USA
- Member, International Society for Development and Sustainability, Japan
- Member, Society for Global Business and Economic Development, USA
- Member, Board of Studies, Dept. of Commerce, M.R. College (Estd.1879)
- Member of the Case Research Society of India. Ahmadabad
- Member, Alumni of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmadabad
- Member, International Council for Small Business (ICSB), USA
- Member, Board of Studies, School of Management, NICMAR University, Pune
- Member, Editorial Board, Startup Unfold
- Member, Editorial Board, Odisha Journal of Commerce (UGC-CARE listed).
- Member, Editorial Board of the Journal ITIHAS (An Indian Journal on Management Research)
- Associate Editor, International Journal Acta de Gerencia Ciencia
- Member of the Institutional Innovation Council, NLUO, Cuttack.
- Member, Editorial Advisory Board, TIJRP, Singapore
- Member, Editorial Board, Universal Journal of Management, USA
- Member Editorial Board of the AIMS Journal of Research
- Co-editor of the Journal of Management and Organization (JMO) Cambridge University Press publication, Special Issue on the role of new ICT-based systems in modern management. JMO Impact Factor: 4.139
- Co-editor of the Journal Management of Environmental Quality which is a Scopus-indexed Emerald Journal special issue on circular economy conference with a high impact factor of 4.21 Co-editor of the Journal of Indian Business Research (Scopus and ABDC āCā Category journal) Special issue on Innovations in Business, Trade & Commerce